Richard Bisbee Books

Look Homeward, Demon

The fictional core of this book was written in May of 1986 in three days and copyrighted on June 11, 1986. The bulk of the book was written over the ensuing years to mid 2009. Part fiction and part memoir, it documents the zeitgeist of the era especially as regards politics and the emerging biotechnologies. And the conjunction of the two. Meant from the beginning to be both descriptive and predictive, in several concrete particulars the work has proved prophetic. In both intentional and unanticipated ways. Especially as regards the prediction of the emergence of a killer common cold virus with HIV/AIDS similarities. This of course occurred with the SARS outbreak. This of course occurred with the SARS, MERS, and CoVid-19 outbreaks.

Capitalism Imperfectly Understood

The Illusion Dwellers: Book I

The enclosed novel was originally copyrighted in 8/78 and 9/79 as an unpublished work. By 1977, the author learned of the death of a Danish missionary doctor to Zaire from a strange immune suppression, speculated to have been caused by a new infectious agent; and, in early 1979, the author was told of several cases of kaposi’s sarcoma, the so-called "gay cancer" indicative of what would later be called AIDS, diagnosed in young NYC gay males. Hence the "vague forebodings" expressed in The Illusion Dwellers: Book I, The Walls of Ilium, and Book II, The Trojan Horse.

Memoir of a Paperback Writer and The Philosopher's Stone

This novel is the fictional memoir of Charles Michael Kaufman, a lifelong Wisconsin resident and graduate of the U.W.-Madison who, after a thirty year career as a high school teacher, wins a major Powerball Lottery jackpot in 2006, amounting to about sixty million dollars in a lump sum, after deducting taxes. Over the following twenty years he parlays this fortune into a personal worth of several billion, with the help of his “sorcerer’s apprentices,” his much younger protégés, six brilliant scholars, three male and three female, who sometimes deceive him, but always work together to ensure the financial success of the Kaufman businesses. In the ears covered by this memoir, Kaufman provides commentary and descriptions of the “brave new world” in our not too distant future, the years up to the 2070’s. Through his eyes we see bits and pieces of our own possible futures. This is a work of speculative fiction, science fiction, but is grounded firmly in real cutting edge contemporary scientific research and discoveries. The future world it depicts is not only imminently possible, but in some aspects probable.

The Eye of The Idol

The enclosed novel was initially copyrighted on 7/10/80 as an unpublished work. It is a roman a clef and allegory foreshadowing the coming AIDS plague and attendant political/social events by a then twenty-something WI attorney with ties to political insiders in WI. To the author's knowledge, it is the first public record, albeit mostly in "coded language," adumbrating the "gay plague" foreseen by gay political and academic insiders.

The Rise and Fall of Mammon

The enclosed novel is a work of speculative fiction regarding possible political, social, economic, and medical-scientific developments in the coming years.